12 Hours in Paris

When you think of the places you can travel to by train within 2 hours, the options don’t seem all that interesting. One destination however definitely stands out from the rest and that is Paris, “La Ville Lumière”. When I first realised how quickly you could find yourself in the French capital, I was amazed at the lack of people who have visited the iconic city. The idea of aimlessly roaming the grey English streets at midday and somehow ending up losing yourself in the intricate gardens of Versailles by 3pm almost seems too good to be true, but can be achieved at ease by a quick hop on the Eurostar. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, catching a relatively quick ferry from Dover to Calais is also popular (particularly with a car), although the extra 3 hours of driving would have to be taken into account.

Even if the time and effort of the journey were to be multiplied, you can’t put a price tag on the sheer magnificence of the city. Every corner gives way to a new charm, from the lofty landmarks which tower into the sky to the chilling catacombs located deep underground; even if you’re only there for a day, the city gives scope for plenty of exploration.

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